Constipation in Infants and Children

Constipation in Babies, Children
Bowel habit differs between children as well as adults. While some children poop 1 or 2 times a day, some children have the habit of bowel 3 or 4 times a day. In addition, the frequency of defecation varies at every age during childhood.

While the number of poops is higher in breastfed babies in the first months, the number of poops decreases as the baby grows. While the number of poops is 4 per day in the first weeks after birth, it often happens once a day in a 4-year-old child.

In other words, the definition of constipation may be different according to the frequency of defecation. In general, constipation is defined as hard and infrequent defecation due to the inability or inadequate defecation. Apart from this, if a child;

2 or fewer stools per week
Pooping once a week,
Painful and hard pooping
Hard poop accumulation in the rectum,
If 1 or 2 of the findings such as large-scale defecation are present for 1 month, it is called constipation.
Constipation in childhood is generally seen at a rate of 0.3-29%. 95% of constipation is constipation that does not have any underlying anatomical or biochemical cause, which is called functional. At a rate of 5%, the underlying organic causes cause constipation.

At What Age Does Constipation Develop Most Commonly?
Constipation is one of the most common problems in childhood. Although constipation develops in every period of childhood, it is more common in 3 periods. It is a temporary constipation period in which babies do not defecate even for 1 week, although it is not actually a complete constipation, which often develops in the first 3-4 months during the period when babies are fed breast milk and receive only breast milk. In this period, even if the baby poops late, the poop is soft and has a paste-like consistency.

It usually goes away on its own without any application. Another period is constipation, which develops as a result of the introduction of new foods by the intestines, especially when additional food is started. Another is constipation that develops during the 2 year old period when toilet training starts. It is most common in children aged 2-4 years. Apart from these periods, constipation in children is also seen intermittently, especially depending on the eating habits and during the school starting period.

It is a troublesome situation that babies and children cannot poop at any time. Because constipation reduces the quality of life of children. It can also cause swelling in the abdomen, loss of appetite, vomiting, urinary incontinence and psychological problems. Apart from this, there may also be emotional and behavioral problems.
