Tummy Time

Tummy Time
Abdominal activities of babies are spending time on their face, supported by their arms, when they are awake. Tummy Time tummy activities, which you can start shortly after birth, but which many parents give up because their baby is crying too much, are actually quite beneficial for your baby's development.

What are the Benefits of Abdominal Activities in Babies?
It helps the baby's neck, back, arm, leg and abdominal muscles to strengthen and motor development. In babies who do not spend time on their tummy, motor developmental stages fall behind. There is a delay in motor skills such as holding the head, reaching, grasping, turning, crawling, sitting and even walking.
Abdominal activities increase the field of view. It allows the baby to see the environment better. Eye and body coordination develops with toys placed in front of him. Increases the development of body balance.
Abdominal activities when babies are awake reduce the risk of babies being laid on their backs during sleep due to sudden cradle loss and the flattening of the back of the head, that is, the development of a flat head.
When and How to Do Tummy Tuck Activities?
Abdominal activities can be started shortly after birth. You can do tummy tuck activity for 30-60 minutes a day.

Do not do activities when your baby is hungry, sleepless, restless and very full. Because then your baby will be unhappy. You can have tummy tuck activities done in your lap, at home and in any suitable place such as the garden. If the hard floor bothers your baby, you can lay a blanket on the floor. At first, supporting the bottom of the arms with a pillow will make it easier for your baby to get used to it.

In the supine position, place toys, picture cards, a book, sound toys and a mirror in front of him. Leave toys messy. Turn her head so she looks at all the toys. Also, make eye contact, talk, and sing while lying down with him.

Maybe in the first days, your baby will not like the tummy position and will cry. But you can get her to like this position by being patient and paying attention, playing and communicating with her.
