A heart murmur in children

A heart murmur in children is a condition that causes an additional sound to be heard outside the normal blood flow of the heart. A murmur can sometimes indicate heart disease, but not every murmur means a serious problem.

A heart murmur in children is a condition that causes an additional sound to be heard outside the normal blood flow of the heart. A murmur can sometimes indicate heart disease, but not every murmur means a serious problem. The causes and symptoms of heart murmur may be:

Causes of Heart Murmur:

Innocent Murmurs: These types of murmurs are generally seen in healthy children and young people. There is no problem in the structure or function of the heart. Innocent murmurs are generally considered innocent and do not require treatment.

Congenital Heart Problems: Some children are born with heart defects. These defects can prevent blood from flowing normally through the heart and cause murmurs.

Infections: When the heart is damaged or infected, it can cause murmurs.

Inflammatory Heart Diseases: Inflammatory heart diseases, such as rheumatic fever, can damage the heart and cause murmurs.

Valve Problems: The heart has four valves, and narrowing or leaking of any of them can cause a murmur.

Anemia: Anemia in children can cause insufficient oxygen transportation in the body, which can lead to a heart murmur.

Symptoms of Heart Murmur:
Most often, the heart murmur itself does not cause any symptoms and is discovered incidentally in children during a doctor's examination. But in some cases, underlying problems caused by a heart murmur can cause symptoms. These symptoms may include:

Shortness of Breath: The child may experience shortness of breath, especially during physical activity or exercise.

Extreme Fatigue: Children may tire faster than normal and experience a lack of energy.

Pallor of the Skin: Paleness of the skin may be observed due to anemia.

Growth Retardation: Advanced heart problems can prevent the child from normal growth and development.

Heart murmur symptoms may vary depending on the cause of the murmur. If you think your child has a heart murmur or your doctor has heard a murmur, he/she should be evaluated by a pediatric cardiologist. The cardiologist can determine the cause of the murmur and recommend appropriate treatment if necessary. Many murmurs may be innocent, but they can also be a sign of a serious problem, so a professional evaluation is important.
